Director of Missions

Giles County Baptist Association

The DOM/AMS for the Giles County Baptist Association (GCBA), based in Giles County,
Tennessee, is a part-time position with salary and benefits provided that are commensurate to
his experience and responsibilities. The following is a general overview of his responsibilities,
relationships, and accountability.


  • Biblical: He shall meet the qualities of a spiritually mature leader as described in the
    role of a pastor in I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and I Peter 5:1-4.
  • Relationship with Christ: He shall have a healthy, growing relationship with Christ
    practiced and modeled in spiritual disciplines.
  • Calling: He shall have a Church-affirmed call to vocational ministry with a passion for
    associational missions.
  • Missional: He shall have vocational experience with and personal involvement in both
    local and international missions.
  • Education and Experience: A master’s or higher in theology and at least ten years of
    ministry experience are preferred. He must be distinctively Baptist in mission and


  • In general, the DOM is responsible for encouraging the churches of GCBA to cooperate
    in God’s mission in Giles County and to the ends of the earth. He shall be granted the
    authority and provided the resources to fulfill his ministry.
  • Provide strategic missionary leadership: Lead the entire association of churches to
    refine and implement the adopted GCBA strategic plan. The DOM will help churches
    maintain a missional perspective; start new work; establish points of witness; report to
    GCBA the needs of people in Giles County for evangelism, ministry, or missions
    attention; and lead in enlisting, placing, training, and supervising volunteers for GCBA.
  • Provide general leadership and administration: Give general leadership in all aspects
    of GCBA life; determine his own schedule to meet GCBA needs; and administer
    processes such as planning, organizing, communicating, training, and evaluating.
  • Manage the office, business affairs, and staff: This function includes office
    management, overseeing and improving all communications, staff supervision,
    financial management, property management, legal affairs, purchasing, and serving as
    a general resource person for denominational information.
  • Pastor to pastors: Help coach and mentor GCBA pastors to greater spiritual, personal,
    relational, and missional health. Additionally, the DOM will assist in church/pastor
    conflicts, orient new pastors in GCBA, develop pastoral support systems, and provide
    growth opportunities for pastors.
  • Strengthen relationships among churches: Encourage GCBA to be a family of healthy
    churches or a network through which churches mutually give and receive assistance,
    foster fellowship and mutual commitments among churches of GCBA, lead churches to
    develop a sufficient degree of unity in faith and practice to fellowship and work
    together; and create an environment in which healthy churches want to be on mission
  • Maintain denominational and other relationships: Relate as appropriate to other
    Baptist associations, Tennessee Baptist Convention, Southern Baptist Convention,
    other Baptist agencies, and other denominations or religious entities—business, social,
    educational, and welfare agencies, as well as city, county, state, and national
    governments. Interpret the denomination to churches and churches to the


  • As a professing believer and one called of God to serve His Body, he is ultimately
    accountable to God.
  • The DOM serves GCBA churches and is ultimately accountable to them through the
    GCBA Executive Board.
  • The DOM will give a quarterly report to the Executive Board on the progress of the
    strategic plan. Additionally, the DOM will give a report at the Annual Meeting.
  • As an active church member, he is accountable to his home church.